Tuesday 30 September 2014

Balancing Church Life and School Life

How do I maintain my spiritual life and my student life in a healthy balance?

This topic is becoming more and more popular. It’s already hard to have a school life and a social life and when we add God into the mix, we assume it’s overwhelming and overbearing. That shouldn’t be the way we see it though. When people ask me where I am, it’s either one of four places: school, work, home or church. And for most of us that’s the case. We have responsibilities associated to all of these elements of our life, and I admit they can get it hard to manage all at once. The truth though is, we cannot afford to subtract God from the equation. I’d rather lose school, work and the home than lose God. And I’ll tell you why.

Have you ever tried going a week without speaking with God? 

Not even a week, how about a day or two? You start feeling his absence after a while right? And the funny thing is, you think about it every minute. You tell yourself “oh man, I didn’t read the bible today” or “I didn’t pray before leaving the house”. Even as you go to bed and think about your entire day, don’t you think about God too? I know I do, then I start feeling it. That disconnect from God. When you acknowledge that God is absent from your life, even though it’s only been for 24 hours, you start seeing the consequences. You feel a little more stressed than usual, and you say things you shouldn’t. You know? That swear word that comes out from your mouth, out of nowhere? Yea that’s the kind of disconnect I’m talking about. And the worst is, when you start sinning, the enemy gets in your head and even though you know you should repent for offending God, you don’t so you avoid him altogether. So there it is! The cycle begins!

Before you know it, you’ve gone a week without talking to God, EVEN THOUGH you think about doing so every second of your day. Now your tasks from church, work, school and home start getting heavy on you and since you’re not really on talking terms with God you can’t really ask Him to help you. So you end up feeling the pressure of your burdens but since you made it through a week without God already, you assume you'll be fine and that you're strong enough to make it through on your own. And so, you start making decisions according to your own ‘wisdom’.

You flop on church because “who really has time to come to the Wednesday service” right? Or you don’t want to reach that prayer meeting on Friday because, man you “studied so hard all day you’re too tired”, you’ll just “see God on Sunday”. Or even the “I can’t come to the ministry meeting because I have to study” excuse. But really it’s because you’d rather go home and catch up on your show. At this point you don’t even know where you last placed your bible… you come to church but you don’t “feel it”. The word was ‘hot’ but you didn’t “feel it”. We’ve all been through this haven’t we? Then what’s next? You have midterms coming up, you start panicking, stressing and doing all-nighters thinking that’s going to help and the day of the midterm, during that last hour, you turn to God. You know God… the one who’s BEEN there, you turn to him and ask him to help you and to support you. Actually you don’t even ask you beg him for him to have mercy on you!

One thing to remember is, life doesn’t work like that. God is merciful yes, but it does not mean you must ignore him when things are ‘aight’ and come back running when it’s extreme panic mode. God does not answer our panics! He answers our faith! So really the only way to balance your school life and your church life is to stay connected to God

It seems simple and easy to do, but you’ll see, sometimes you won’t even realize what missing a day of devotion can do to you until you’ve missed a day of devotion. Stay on the tracks. And when it gets tough, ask God to help you and to carry the burden for you. 

Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

by: Vicky (Vessel Speaker)


  1. Its true Put God first in all you do! Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you! Thank you for this post. It brought me back to my post secondary days. Even when we are not faithful God always is. For it is not by our own might or power but by His spirit. We need his spirit to lead us, direct us, instruct us. Amen

  2. This post really speaks to what I deal with when it comes to balancing serving God, and building /maintaining my relationship with God, as well as family life. Thanks for the reminder to always put God first
